

Forward thinking. Creative ideas. Realization. It's easy to say!

I was born on September 29, 1978 in Moscow in the family of a serviceman of the Armed Forces of the USSR; I spent part of my childhood in the GDR (1981-1986) and in Uzbekistan (1986-1988); I graduated from high school in Moscow. Based on my experience living in Germany, Uzbekistan and Russia, by the age of ten I already had a rough idea of ​​what the cultures of Western Europe, East Asia and Russia were like.
Father: Lev Petrovich Belevtsov (1947-2012), musician in uniform, at various times held the position of head of the song and dance ensemble «GSVG», «TurkVO», «UralVO».
Mother: Lyudmila Pavlovna Belevtsova [Ponomarenko] - engineer with a degree in Electronic Devices, worked in the Design Bureau of the «MELZ» Plant and «NIIEPR».

At the age of 5, I started studying the violin at the German Music School in Weimar, Germany. After the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the German Democratic Republic, my father was sent to serve in Uzbekistan and I studied in the 2nd and 3rd grades in a special music school named after V. Uspensky in Tashkent. Upon returning to Moscow, I graduated from music school №13. In high school, for 3 years, I was involved in the freestyle wrestling section. Heavy physical exertion during training did not go to any comparison with the lessons on the violin. In my opinion, nothing gives such a development of long-term psychological endurance as violin practice. I don't know what exactly influenced my choice, whether the difficult time of the 90s in Russia, or my adolescent protest, but a year after graduating from music school and not planning to study music at all, under the influence of Western rock music I am all I continued my music lessons, but already seriously carried away by the electric guitar!

In 1995, it was time to choose a specialty, get a higher education and enter a university. Deciding on your future is a difficult task, and I knew exactly what I would not do in life. At that time, there was simply no place to get a higher education in Russia in the specialty of musician in the electric guitar class. One of my friends, Denis, was a second-year student at a construction institute. Building houses is also creativity and did not cause me a feeling of rejection, but on the contrary, only interest. Difficult times and the war in Chechnya shocked society, it was necessary to speed up the choice of a profession. I decided to enter a technical university and become a builder. As a result, I entered the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering "MGSU" (MISI named after V. V. Kuibyshev).

I graduated in 2000 with a degree in civil engineering (specialty 2903), the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering, what I do not regret is that higher technical education, regardless of the type of occupation, constantly helps me throughout my life. Despite the fact that I finished high school without triples, it was difficult for everyone to study at «MISI». I had to draw a lot of construction plans in pencil, since at that time only a couple of people in the group had computers, and even then they were in their final years. And to calculate the "shell" in the "Resistance of materials" is generally the height of complexity! To get full knowledge of what the real material world is, in my opinion, it is possible only in a construction university. While studying at MGSU, in the same years I continued to master the electric guitar on my own, after the violin it was not difficult, I also studied arrangement and digital sound recording, since in Russia at that time there was neither sufficient knowledge nor specialists in the field of rock music recording, and the cost of recording in very dubious at that time "professional" music studios was beyond the means of many musicians. At 16, I put together my first rock band - the beginning of my entrepreneurship and, without realizing it, the beginning of encountering the child psyche in adults!

2001-2010 | «Music Creator / Guitar Player»; «The construction of the recording studio»

After graduating from Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, my passion for music finally took over and I decided to devote myself to this business as seriously as possible. Due to the lack of access to recording resources, and the musician constantly needs demo recordings, I continued to intensively master digital recording technologies on a computer. As a result, I have implemented many different demo recordings in my own and third-party music projects in different musical styles. In total, I worked with various artists and musicians until 2009. But the constantly deteriorating situation in the music industry due to piracy in Russia did not allow me or many people I knew in the underground to reach a stable professional level. Moreover, even popular bands were falling apart; pirated CDs were everywhere. With the demise of the CD format and the development of the Internet, pirated MP3s spread and finally killed the music business in Russia. It has become simply impossible to make money by selling records. During this period, in the form of part-time work, in order to have at least some funds, I privately taught the electric guitar to beginners. The unstable economic situation absolutely did not allow any serious musician to support his family, not to mention professional career growth. Many musicians changed their type of activity, many stopped making music altogether. Many talented musicians that I knew were left behind, and unfortunately, we will never hear their great music!

During the same period, as part of a charity program, after reading Philip Newell's book "Project Studios: Small Studios for Great Recordings", I designed and built a small music studio for a one Moscow university (Learn more..).. I had to play the role of a crisis manager, since the entire construction did not go according to plan. Special thanks to my friend and fellow student Dmitry Timoshenko, with whom we spent 6 weeks developing the recording studio project.


In the process of music production, being in conditions of insufficient funding, I often had to solve problems. I've always believed that if you don't consider yourself amateurs and want to work professionally, then a rock band should have its own rehearsal space. As a result, I always found both a place and a way to agree with the owner on the use of the premises practically on gratuitous terms. Thus, for almost 15 years of work, I had 7 rehearsal rooms, including a room in which I designed and built a small recording studio. Money is needed, but not always. In cases where money is not enough, you can always find an alternative way to solve problems. Except for the problems of the human factor!

Life is a long-term team game in which all people are interdependent on each other. Safety, destiny, quality of life and self-realization depend on the people around you.

It so happened that the musicians I worked with were older than me by an average of 5-10 years. Of course, I believed that these are adults and serious people and the success of the team, like your success in life, no matter how talented and hardworking you can be, depends not only on you.

Working in a team and based on my observations, I began to pay attention to the fact that most of the musicians on whom the fate of the band and their musical career depend are not team players. Many had a frivolous attitude towards themselves, with inadequate ambitions and inflated self-esteem, which, as it turns out later, was underestimated; everyone focused, as a rule, on something insignificant; no one planned for the long term; a serious attitude was only in words; many did not strive to become a specialist in their field, while most musicians infantile believed that they would achieve fame and money without expending effort.

I also began to note that most musicians with inflated self-esteem, at the same time, have extreme vulnerability, as a reaction to criticism, where I often had to bite my tongue in order to keep an adult motivated to work.

The relationship between the musicians in the band was without obligations to each other and had a frivolous character — the character of a teenage party. Everyone tried not to burden themselves with any obligations, and excessive fear, as it turned out to be childish, to take on a truly adult responsibility to people for the implementation of serious work on a musical project did not contribute to its realization.

In my example, the psychological weakness and permitted bad habits of one vocalist (I had 6 of them in total!), which subsequently ended with his death, the forbidden bad habits of another vocalist ended with his prison term once again crossed out many years of work, as a result I had to start all over again. I remind you that everyone depends on the people in their environment, whom, unfortunately, we practically do not choose in life. You climb Mount Everest, and the partners who are in the same bunch with you, because of their frivolous attitude towards themselves and the common cause, throw you back.

I do not absolve myself of responsibility, I was just starting to learn to understand people, I was the one who decided who to work with and who not, and there simply were no other people, and to find psychologically adult, moreover, professionals, which at that time, as now, is a great stroke of luck in life. This applies to any team, including family, friends, neighbors, work colleagues or society.

As a result, I began to notice a similar pattern of behavior not only among people of creative professions, but everywhere — among relatives, friends, acquaintances, etc. The behavior of 25-35-year-olds did not correspond to their biological age. The problem in relationships and the fact that the people you depend on, because of psychological immaturity, spoil your life with their own hands, began to bother me, to put it mildly, and over time, just piss me off. As a result, being at the mercy of forced decisions, I decided to find out the reasons why this is happening.

Underneath The Stars - Unite

Materials: (fragment)
Music: Boris Belevtsov, Artem Akmulin
Lyrics & Vocals: Artem Akmulin
Arranged, recorded and mixed by Boris Belevtsov

Underneath The Stars - Drown In Hatred

Materials: (instrumental version)
Music: Boris Belevtsov
Arranged, recorded and mixed by Boris Belevtsov

Underneath The Stars - Where The Angels Cry

Materials: (instrumental version)
Music: Boris Belevtsov
Arranged, recorded and mixed by Boris Belevtsov

The musical fragments presented above have not been published. I had to freeze the music project that I worked on from 2002 to 2010. Reasons: being in the role of a music producer, due to inexperience, I made a managerial mistake — I "tied" the business to a partner, a fairly well-known theater and film actor, he is also the second guitarist in the band and the main investor. At that moment, it was not obvious to me that the actor/investor, who was 10 years older than me, had preserved the psyche of a 12-year-old teenager in adulthood.

When the preliminary work was completed and everything was ready to take the musical project to the next stage — it was necessary to promote the group and start working concerts, the actor was childishly afraid of adult responsibility and refused to fulfill his obligations to the team. He turned out to be psychologically unprepared for this and decided not to continue the musical project, canceling all his many years of work.

Коммуницируя с творческими людьми я получил огромный опыт в области психологии взаимоотношений, так как, часто приходилось работать с капризными, эгоистичными, высокомерными, тем не менее, психологически слабыми и с лекгомысленным отношением к себе, людьми. Одновременное сочетание завышенной и заниженной самооценки у людец, приводящей к невозможности самореализации, у меня вызывало интерес. Именно эта темя меня волнует больше всего сейчас, считаю, что главная проблема человека, как и причина всех бед в жизни — это несамореализованность.

Самореализация человека зависит не только от самого человека, а в том числе и от его окружения. Если человек находится в окружении взрослых с детской психикой, то раскрыть свой природный потенциал, свои сильные стороны и реализовать их в жизни будет невозможно. Также ни крепкой семьи, ни дружбы, ни бизнеса с психологически невзрослыми не получится. Решение, направленное на возможность самореализации, это необходимо находиться в окружении по-настоящему взрослых людей. Для этого нужно, чтобы семьи с детьми начали обсуждать между собой следующие признаки детской психики (см. далее.) и начали бороться с сохранением детской психики во взрослой жизни в обществе! Это также качественно изменит важное в жизни — взаимоотношения.

Что касается любимого дела — занятия музыкой, то я получил большой практический опыт работы музыкального продюсера, менеджера, саунд-продюсера и аранжировщика, технического директора, звукорежиссера, администратора и мотивационного психолога при работе с биологически взрослыми "детьми", и конечно гитариста рок-группы.

Имея техническое образование, мне, как инженеру-строителю, было не сложно спроектировать и построить небольшую студию звукозаписи. А нужда в сайте для рок-группы вынудила меня научиться разрабатывать интернет сайты, в том числе и данный сайт разработан мной. В целом я был фокусирован над работой по созданию конкурентоспособного по мировым стандартам музыкального "продукта", хотя и не очень люблю употребление этого слова по отношению к музыке. (частично представлена на сайте в разделе "Музыка"!).

Впредь зарекся не иметь дело с психологически невзрослыми людьми и в музыкальном творчестве производить работы только на собственные средства. С закрытием проекта я принял решение заморозить все музыкальные проекты.. до лучших времен и возможностей. Либо по-взрослому, либо никак!

2008 - 2011 | «BorisRig | DSLR Video Rig » & «RuRocker»

In 2008, as I mentioned above, the music group, naturally, like any serious project, needed an Internet site. At that time, the average cost of developing a site was $ 3000-3500. Once again, the partner (actor), upon hearing the price, did not fulfill his obligations to finance the project. When I realized that the group would be left without a website, I was forced to learn web development and web design in a short time. My senior friend Dmitry Deev introduced me to Vladimir Chizhevsky, to whom I am very grateful to this day. Later, it was Vladimir who was my mentor, who explained to me what was happening in the world of web development. By the way, Vladimir is known for being the author of the logo design for Sberbank. As a result, after a year of independent training I coped with the task - I made a website for the group and not only! Soon, on third-party Internet projects, I also mastered Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Returning to music at that time in Russia there was the only TV channel «A-One», which was devoted to completely alternative and rock music. I counted on this TV channel in terms of promotion and rotation of future promotional videos of my music project. But after changing the format, I was shocked - on the «A-One» channel, in the fall of 2011, they started broadcasting hip-hop music on air. As a result, there is simply no professional media platform left in Russia for the promotion of rock bands. And I had to develop my own online TV for rock music in Russia - "RuRocker | TV, Radio, Magazine". I also made the layout of the magazine of the same name. The pilot version is here. At the moment, «Rurocker» is on restyling - the concept is changing!

I also planned to shoot promotional music videos with my own efforts, but the average cost of professional equipment for DSLR shooting from $1000 for Steadicam to $4500 for Glidetrack was too expensive. As a result, I myself developed prototypes of camera equipment for DSLR video shooting. My similar semi-professional developments turned out to cost $30 for steadicam and $100 for glidetrack! You can find out what happened to the prototypes here.

2013 - 2014 | «BorisWEB Media Group»

BorisWeb Media Group

In 2013 - 2014, I had various ideas for social orientation media projects, which was created by creating a media studio for niche-oriented media products “BorisWEB | Studio Media Products.Niche Focus ”, where I still generate ideas. The concept of product development is as follows: idea + domain name and trademark + brand and corporate identity + technical design of the prototype + promotion of the product prototype in TOP10 (SEO) + 3-5 years of stable "web exposure" = exit - the client becomes the owner of a ready-made online platform for running an online business and saving up to 80% on marketing. The business is unique, but high-risk. You have to give up easy money for long-term success. The uniqueness of the Internet makes it possible for only one person with technical and creative education, without leaving a home computer, to generate online products for a very large number of people with a long-term prospect of global growth!


Creating global brands and trademarks.

and many others.
Read more

2015 - 2019 | «One Account Products» & «Conflict-free Thinking | Technology»

Conflict-free Thinking | Technology

OneAccount Products | My favorite premium social products

Summing up over the past 20 years, based on personal experience of observing and communicating with people, I found that most of the people I knew were not able to fulfill themselves and achieve in life not just outstanding successes, but generally any results that affected the quality of their life and the happiness index of everyone! It’s good when you are surrounded by successful and happy people, it is another thing when you are surrounded by poor and unhappy people! The difference is obvious! Moreover, in all those who surrounded me, I saw undisclosed natural talents! All this time I asked myself questions! Why is this happening? Why do people have different motivations in life? Why do people have different scale desires and where do desires come from? Why is self-importance so important to a person? Why do people have a so different attitude towards themselves, someone has inadequate overpriced ambitions, someone else has underestimated on the contrary? Why do a person give a damn about himself? Why do people give a damn about each other? Why are people not able to agree with each other? Why can people out of the blue create big problems out of nothing? Why is there so much bias and lack of professionalism in people's judgments? Why do people insult each other? Why is there so much irresponsibility in people? Why aren't everyone who has children really become parents in their worldview? etc.

In the end, I came to the conclusion: most people in our environment do not grow up and remain «children» or «teenagers» in their worldview for life! We ourselves create 1000 problems for each other, from small family conflicts that lead to divorce, to global problems that lead to international wars!

And the reason for all this is the logical mistakes of our thinking, depending on the worldview that we form from childhood on our environment: parents, teachers, friends and acquaintances, the circumstances surrounding us, etc. .. A person is not able to influence the choice of people in his environment and not able to influence the choice of circumstances - all this happens by chance, roulette, how lucky! But on the formation of a worldview that will make a person truly an adult through the development of balanced analytical thinking is possible. As a result of these observations, in 2015 I began work on the «Conflict-Free Thinking™» methodology and technology, on the basis of which prototypes of Internet resources were developed - «conflict-free» social media, where people will learn not to insult each other and fight the «teenage» worldview in adults!

These Internet resources will include the prototype of the global project «Union Global Communities» with over 70 ethnic means of communication, as well as a prototype for entering the international market of the management company «One Account Products», which will serve these resources. The work is ongoing. In the near future I intend to assemble an international team of strategic business partners, so I invite everyone. To all like-minded people - «Welcome!».

Due to the particular complexity of the project, I also decided to improve my personal effectiveness skills, and in 2015-2016 I completed a correspondence course in the MBA program. I believe that in the conditions of fierce competition, uncertainty and the variability of the world, constant self-development is necessary. To solve the problem of building an international company, I will need knowledge in the field of marketing, branding, project management, finance, risk, quality, change, etc., which will affect the development of strategic thinking when making effective management decisions with a global growth strategy. Glad everything gets complicated ..)

I Love What I Do & I Do What I Love.
It's my commitment.
Only in this way you will bring
benefit to others.

It is important in life to love what you do and do what you love with a mandatory benefit for others. It is not always possible. The basis of all problems - a job that is not a pleasure. This leads to a lack of competence of the increments and you become uncompetitive.

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I was born on September 29, 1978 in Moscow in the family of a soldier ..